the super rare ultra limited edition bumper sticker

the super rare ultra limited edition bumper sticker

Great news, everyone: we've sold enough zines to cover all of our printing, production, and shipping costs. That means every subsequent dollar that comes in goes back to our Season Two writers.

And that's why I'm here today with a proposition for you.

There's $724 in the venmo right now. I'd like to get it over $1,000 before I empty it out on the writers. But it would be rad if we could get it even higher. So here's the deal. Anyone who buys a zine ($25) or makes a donation (any amount of $) before 8pm tonight will be entered to win one (1) super rare ultra limited edition How I'd Fix Atlanta bumper sticker. These bumper stickers are both a) super rare and b) ultra limited edition, which means this may be the only time you get a chance at one.

As always, the way to play is @austinlouisray on Venmo.

One of How I'd Fix Atlanta's guiding principles is making sure writers get paid a decent wage for their work. That's why we give them $600 for an essay—more than just about any publication out there. Doing this zine bonus is a way to give them a little something extra.

Wanna thank an ATL writer today? This is an easy way to do it.

Thanks, as always, for reading. It's really special what we have here.

talk soon,