a quick fundraiser update

a quick fundraiser update

Good morning.

We're 48 hours into our fundraiser with Undue Medical Debt and so far we've raised $7,554. Not bad! But we've got a ways to go.

"well then, austie, how can i help?"

Great question. There are lots of ways you can help. Here are some:

  • donate to the fundraiser
  • share the fundraiser link with other people who might donate
  • seriously, you can just text it to people—you might be surprised how down they are to party
  • if you're a Nextdoor user: like, engage with, comment on, share, and otherwise make a lot of noise on this post so it gets added to the daily digest email and reaches a larger audience
  • if you're more of a LinkedIn kinda person, here's a post for that
  • post it on your channels! i have no idea what people do on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and all those others places, but maybe you do! i bet you're a goddamn influencer! go for it!
  • forward this email to five people as soon as you finish reading it

I could go on and on, but who needs that? Thank you for reading. Thank you for helping. Thanks for being you. And remember: when good Georgians get together, great things happen.